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Good evening family! Yes, it's been a while. I hope each and every one of you are doing well and maintaining in the crazy thing called life. As for me, I've working on a few projects here and there. I do believe in multiple streams of income because the way this good ole United States is set up, if you don't, you'll be struggling for the rest of your life. That, I refuse to do. So, needless to say, I've been going over a few of my options and acting on some of them. I do my due diligence, pray over my projects and as God to be with me every step of the way.

He is amazing and I can't imagine doing anything in this life without Him, It is an absolute requirement for me to include and consult with him on any major/important life changes, projects, ideas, etc. I learned the hard way that I can't do everything myself. That just isn't possible.

On a lighter note, I was promoted to a management position at work! I kind of knew it was coming down the pipeline; I just didn't know when. It all happened a lot sooner than I anticipated, but I'm grateful all the same. They didn't have to select me for the position, but I'm happy they did. I'm sure there will be challenges with the extra responsibility but I'm up for it. I'm totally capable of handling this position with professionalism, diligence, compassion and understanding, while maintaining a high level of quality, compliance and innovation that will propel us into the competitive healthcare market. My goal is to build a team that strives for excellence and I want everyone to have fun doing it!

I've functioned at various levels in my career in healthcare so I know what it is to be an entry level employee as well as a manager. I have over 30 yrs of experience, which was obtained through much trial and error, as well as joy and pain. I got this!

Things have slowed a bit with my travel business but I'm looking into other means of advertising and marketing to get my face and business out there and more mainstream. Pray for me yall! I need my prayer warriors to activate and minister on my behalf. There are so many things I want to do, so many charities I want to be able to support and be of service to. God knows my heart and I know He has big plans for me. Plans to prosper me and my business ventures and to ensure that my testimony is heard and felt worldwide! I would love for all of you to join me on this journey. If nothing else, it should be enlightening and very interesting!

Until next time family, be well, be blessed, be happy and be gracious!!

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