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Hello again everyone! I know it's been a few days since last we met, but I'm back! I hope everyone is having a fantastic week thus far. As for me, I can say that it has been productive, as well as interesting. Let me explain.....

So, have you ever had days when all types of crazy shit happens and you have to stop and ask yourself, "What the hell is going on?" Or "What is wrong with people?" There is so much going on in the world right now, on top of the daily madness that we encounter in our lives. Sometimes, I'm so out of sorts and all over the place and others, I'm on top of it all and things are flowing beautifully. For me though, lately, I'm mostly out of sorts and all over the place. I just feel like there is so much for me to do and so little time! I feel rushed overwhelmed at the same time. Sometimes, I wonder if I'm trying to do too much or if I'm not being realistic with myself regarding my capabilities and being able to get things done. It's maddening sometimes, but more than anything, it's frustrating!

Enough of me venting for now. Let's talk about happier, more positive things. Like, me being super excited about moving this weekend (even though I hate moving)!!! Also, I'm traveling to Puerto Rico with my business partners in August and, I'm planning a weekend of pure shenanigans, on Labor Day weekend for my birthday! All great things that I'm looking forward to (except the moving part). I've never really planned a big celebration for myself so this will be a first. I know some people who can plan the hell out of just about anything for any occasion, but that would not be me. I mean, I can put together a party, make arrangements here and there for certain events when I doing it for someone else, but not so much for myself. I enjoy it more when I'm celebrating someone other than myself. I never really thought much about that until last year. I actually took my birthday off from work and that's something that I didn't do very often. It was just another day to me. But I'm changing all that!

Why, you might ask? I believe it's because I've come to realize that every birthday that I'm alive to see, is a blessing and should be celebrated. Whether the celebration is big or small, celebrate!! It's only by God's grace that I'm still here and that's reason enough for me to celebrate. The planning hasn't been easy because I'm constantly changing my mind about one thing or another. I know my friends are sick of me, but hey. It is what it is. There was one other time that a party was planned for my birthday, but I don't recall if I planned it or if my oldest daughter did. I truly believe she planned it and I say that because this whole planning thing that I'm doing for my birthday this year, is stressful as hell and I'd like to think I'd remember being stressed out for that one. If, I planned it, but I don't think I did. Oh well. Lol!

I don't know what you all think about birthdays, celebrations and such, but life itself should be celebrated. We may have different ways to "celebrate", but however you chose to do it, do it with love. Whether you do it alone, in town, out of town, on an island or a boat, with close friends and family or with a bunch of people, you deserve to be celebrated. We all do. We are all unique in our own ways and there is only one me (you). Take care of yourself, be kind to yourself and love yourself. I know somedays will be harder than others. We all have our struggles. No one said life would be easy, but it's doable. No matter how hard times get or how hard we fall, we can do this. This, being life. We only get one, so make the most of it while your here. That's what I intend to do!! :)

I bid you farewell until our next meeting. Stay safe, be happy and love much!!

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