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What's Next?

Well. What's next? This is the very question I asked myself when I published my first post! How could I possibly follow up on that one? Well, my plan was to piggy back on some of the things I mentioned in the previous post. Like, my children.

I have three adult children; two young ladies and one young man. My oldest daughter and my son reside in our native California. My youngest daughter is here with me in Houston, and she's in college and holds down a part time job. My oldest daughter blessed me with four amazing grandsons, who happen to be my greatest joy. I don't see them as often as I'd like but all that will change very soon. I believe that there is a shift taking place in the universe and we are all in a transitional period that will move us into better situations, better opportunities and greater experiences.

During these transitional periods, there are levels of discomfort that we experience and most of the time, we don't really know why. The discomfort, the confusion and the uncertainty are all indicators that there are major changes that are about to take place. Personally, I'm ready for a change. Change is good. It can be scary, it can be different, but what it should be is welcomed. Change should be elevating, because elevation symbolizes growth. Change is also necessary if you are in expectation of something new or different than what you're use to. We all have comfort zones and although familiar, they aren't the best places to take up residency. I know, because I was stuck there for longer than I care to admit.

In short, there is so much life out there to live and so little time. Take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves, take a few risks, step out on faith, trust you instincts and LIVE! The world is a vast and beautiful place and there's so much to see and do. I made the mistake, early in my life, to always play it safe and to stick to what I knew and was familiar with. NEVER AGAIN!! I invite you to join me on this journey. Share your struggles, your fears and any goals you may have. The journey is always better with friends!

Until we meet again, I wish you peace, love and blessings. Be well!!

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